Finger- and palmprint taking kit

This kit contains all the necessary equipment and materials for taking finger- and palmprints in the conventional way. It can be used at the police station, but also in the field.
Product #
Finger- and palmprint taking kit
A-21000 BVDA fingerprint ink in tube, about 55 g
A-52000 Ink roller, 6.5 cm wide, in aluminum bracket and with plastic handle
A-60100 Rubber roller for taking palmprints, mounted on a plexiglass strip
A-61000 Fingerprint cardholder
A-70000 Removal, a waterless hand cleaner, 100 ml
A-73000 Ink-Remover Towelettes
A-80000 Ink spatula
A-81000 Cleaning cloth
A-86000 Glass inking slab (with sanded edges, 15 x 20 cm)
C-85000 Polystyrene box