Evidence marking


Number and arrow signs

The signs showing arrow or number, H-10000 to H-10600, all have white lettering on a black background on one side and black lettering with a white background on the other side.  The signs of H-10000, H-10100, and H-10200 have a size of 7.5 x 12 cm. The signs of H-10600 have a size 12 x 15 cm.
They can be used with the evidence-marking kit H-7000, the tripod H-11000, stabilizing weight H-13000, and the nylon extension bars H-12000.


Evidence markers with foldable L-scale

These evidence markers (yellow plastic with black printing) are of the A-frame style (tent). The size of the 45 degree angled surface with the number is 9 x 7.5 cm.
On the bottom is a collapsible L-scale that is 14 cm on one side and 6 cm long on the other side. On the top is a hole.
A small kit that can hold 50 evidence markers can be ordered separately.

Evidence markers (yellow) with letters or arrows

Yellow evidence markers with letters (A to Z) or a set with four arrows (left, right, up, down) and a North indicating markers. All these evidence markers have a 8 cm scale printed on the bottom.
The size of the surface is 9 x 7.5 cm.

Hinged evidence markers


Evidence marker kits

The kits H-7000, H-7001, and H-7100 are small kits that differ mainly in the kind and number of signs in their content. H-7001 has signs numbering from 1-99 whereas H-7000 has signs 1-20 and H-7100 has numbers 1-20, arrows, and letters A-Z.
The kit H-7000 has a leatherette case whereas H-7001 and H-7100 come in an ABS case.


Self-adhesive labels with numbers or arrows

The self-adhesive labels with numbers 0 - 9 come in two sizes: numbers of 17 mm high (accompanied by a 2-cm scale divided in mm - H-20100) or 34 mm high (with a 3-cm scale divided in mm H-20000). The sets contains 7 sheets with 6 labels each per number, so 70 sheets in total.
The small labels measure 18 x 25 mm each. The larger labels measure 37 x 47 mm each.

The self-adhesive paper labels with arrows come in two sizes. The small white labels are sized 32 x 9 mm and have a black 28 mm long arrow (10 labels per sheet). The larger sized (65 x 19 mm) paper labels (10 labels per sheet) are available in three different varieties: white with a black or a red arrow, and a black label with a white arrow. The arrows are 6 cm long.
The small labels come with a 1.5-cm scale the larger ones with a 3-cm scale. The scales are divided in mm and 5 mm.
Each set with arrows contains 10 sheets (100 labels).

Self-adhesive labels with scale

The self-adhesive paper labels with a 50 mm scale (6 labels per sheet) come in two variants: white with a black printing or black with white printing. A package contains 9 sheets (54 labels).
The labels with a 30 mm scale are only available in white with black printing. They come in rolls of 200 labels.


Marking strips

Marking strips are used in marking a path in a crime scene or to draw attention to items when photographing a scene. The large ones (20 x 3 cm) are writable (PVC, 0.5 mm thick). The smaller ones (7.6 x 3.8 cm) are made from 2.5 mm thick acrylic (PMMA, better known under trade names like Perspex and plexiglas) and available in fluorescent yellow and orange.